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Alumni Association Doctoral Summer Fellowship

The Alumni Association Doctoral Summer Fellowship will be awarded to a promising doctoral student conducting original research in academic disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. The award is intended to support the student in the final stages of their research and dissertation by enabling them to continue their work over the summer, when other funding for doctoral candidates is especially scarce. The fellowship will provide essential resources to a doctoral student who demonstrates need and whose work risks being delayed without funding.

Eligible doctoral students must:

  • Be enrolled as a full-time doctoral student in an affiliated department, who has been granted advancement to candidacy for the PhD degree by the Dean of the Graduate School, upon recommendation of the Graduate Program Director (GPD).
  • Be studying an academic discipline in the humanities or social sciences.
  • Must demonstrate promise in research related to areas of inquiry in the humanities or social sciences, or have a track record of such research.
  • Must demonstrate high academic achievement and progress towards the degree as defined by the outlined application process.
  • Preference given to students who are undergraduate or graduate conferred alumni of Stony Brook University as defined by Stony Brook policy.

 One fellowship in the amount of $5,00 will be awarded.

Each graduate program in the humanities and social sciences may nominate one (1) candidate who has advanced to candidacy. Each nomination must be endorsed by the student's Graduate Program Director (GPD).


The Google Form link above includes entry fields/document upload sections for the following:

  • Letter of nomination detailing the (1) high scholarly promise of the dissertation project and (2) evidence of exceptional financial need. 
  • GPD Endorsement checkbox.
  • Financial Need checkbox.
  • A short summary of the nominee’s status as a graduate student: date of admission, year of study, date of advancement to candidacy, and expected date of completion of the doctoral degree.
  • Dissertation abstract, or similar summary of the project. This should be geared toward a general audience and should not exceed two (2) pages.
  • 2-3 faculty letters of support
  • The student’s C.V.