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Individual Development Plan (IDP) Toolkit

Stony Brook's Individual Development Plan Toolkit includes resources, templates, and further information for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty on how to complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP). 

What is an IDP?


An Individual Development Plan, or IDP,  is a written plan for goals and actions for the next year. Like a personal strategic plan,  the IDP helps early-career researchers reflect on their short- and long-term career goals and develop an action plan for advancing toward these goals.

The general steps of an IDP process are:

  1. Reflect on your values, interests, skills, and identify areas you would like to strengthen that are relevant to your long-term goals;
  2. Explore careers at the intersection of your values, interests and skills, and identify professional development activities that can help you build your skills and document your experiences for your CV or resume; and
  3. Write down a one-year plan to advance toward your goals with actions that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measureable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-bound).

At Stony Brook University, there is no single accepted format for an IDP, so students and postdocs are encouraged to find a tool or format that works for the way that they plan. Some graduate programs, training grants, research groups, or fellowships may have a preferred or even required format, so trainees should talk with their advisors about IDP expectations. Note that IDPs are not generally required at SBU, although since 2014, NIH expects any NIH-funded student or postdoc to complete an IDP.

How To IDP 

There is no one way to IDP. An IDP is generally recognized as a process of self-reflection, professional development, and goal setting that helps someone advance toward their long-term career goal. The product of the IDP process is a written planning document that can take many forms.

Students and postdocs can: 

  • Do-It-Yourself with Online IDP Tools or Templates
  • Join a guided workshop with other trainees
  • Join a class or a program