Secretary General of the Madagascar Ministry of Public Health expresses support for DrOTS Initiative

Lulua Bahrainwala (center) and Dr. Benjamin Andriamihaja (left) met with Secretary General of the Madagascar Ministry of Health, Dr. Josea Ratsiarson (right).
May 2, 2017 - Lulua Bahrainwala, MBBS, and Executive Director of the Madagascar Institut pour la Conservation des Ecosystèmes Tropicaux (MICET) Benjamin Andriamihaja, PhD, met with the Secretary General of the Madagascar Ministry of Public Health Josea Ratsirarson, MD to discuss the cost-effectiveness of the DrOTS initiative. Dr. Bahrainwala joined the Global Health Institute as a collaborator to analyze the economic feasibility of the project in response to a request by Dr. Ratsiarson. She plans to spend two months in Madagascar to begin her data collection process. Dr. Ratsiarson expressed his support for the project and encouraged further collaboration between the Global Health Institute and national and local health efforts.
Dr. Bahrainwala is currently a Master's degree candidate studying Global Health Sciences at the University of California, San Franscisco. Her research focuses on the economic evaluation of drone observed therapy compared to directly observed treatment short course for treatment of drug sensitive tuberculosis in remote Madagascar.