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Chelsea Boakye '23, '24
MA Africana Studies

Pronouns: she/her

Chelsea BoakyeWhere are you originally from?
The Bronx raised me but Ghanaians made me! I was born in the Bronx where I was able to grow up fusing the cultures of my Ghanaian roots and the New York City environment.

How did you hear about Stony Brook University?
I learned of SBU through the alumni pride of my high school U.S. History teacher Joanna Pellegrino. She raved about the success rates at SBU and encouraged me to apply.

On Stony Brook:
SBU's Journalism Program definitely interested me because I had a strong passion for reporting and advocating for marginalized communities in the media arena. In addition to the program’s success, I was one of the first year students nervous to go to far from home. 
On her major:
This year, I am graduating with my MA in Africana Studies. My undergraduate major was Journalism and I minored in Africana Studies. I pursued this major and minor because I wanted to focus on building broadcasting techniques that’d effectively report on stories in POC communities. I found myself interested in African history and the critical thinking it led to about my identity.  I am also very intrigued in connecting historical contexts to building a better future and both areas allow me to do that. As my undergraduate career progressed I learned that a lot of my passions were covered and discussed in Africana Studies resulting in my graduate career.  

Favorite class:
One of my favorite classes was an undergraduate course I took with Dr. Georges Fouron, Politics of Race. This course drove so much discussion amongst my peers and allowed me to engage in conversation with different perspectives. Dr. Fouron knew how to keep the class engaged because he was not afraid to challenge us. This course allowed to me reflect on my identity as a Black woman in America and what that truly means to me.  
I am interested in arts and media. I’ve loved music, cinema, and poetry since a young age. In a way I feel that my love for arts and media pushed me into choosing my studies in college because both Journalism and Africana Studies allow me to express and educate through rhetoric. 
Greatest achievement:
One of my best accomplishments here at SBU was the opportunity to be the captain of the African Dance Team, L’Afrique. Another memorable achievement was winning the Stony Brook NAACP’s Ellis Marsalis Sr. Award for Leadership. It was truly an honor to be considered for this award by the student body. 
Plans for post-graduation:
After graduation I aim to pursue my career in becoming a college professor on areas such as Blacks and Mass Media and African Society. The first step is landing a job at a college or university as a part-time professor or an adjunct lecturer before obtaining my PhD. 
Favorite SBU memory:
My favorite SBU memory has to be the late night sessions with my friends during finals season. The bursts of laughs to the moments of silence. SBU is rigorous but the value of community makes you feel so supported. 
Advice for potential Seawolves:
You made the right choice! You’ll find yourself in challenging positions but they’ll only make you grow. Follow your heart and allow yourself opportunities to experience new things— from people to culture to activities.