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Madeeha Ali '23
BS Chemistry
Pronouns: she/her


How did you hear about Stony Brook University?
I chose to pursue a major in Chemistry, with a concentration in Biological Chemistry, because I have always been fascinated by the chemistry of molecules. This field of study equips me with the skills and knowledge to make a meaningful contribution to the world of science and pursue a rewarding career in research. 

On Stony Brook:
Stony Brook's reputation as a leading research university with an unwavering commitment to cutting-edge medical research made it the perfect choice for me. I was enthralled by the myriad of opportunities available through the Stony Brook Hospital and its strong emphasis on advancing scientific knowledge, aligning perfectly with my academic and professional aspirations.

On her major:
I am graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry with honors, specializing in Biological Chemistry. 

Favorite class:
One of the most memorable classes I've taken was undoubtedly Organic Chemistry II, CHE 322. I relished the intellectual challenge of applying the knowledge I had gleaned in innovative and critical ways. Beyond the material itself, what made the course truly exceptional was the captivating teaching style of the professor, whose infectious passion for the subject matter left a lasting impression on me. Additionally, I loved my Photography class, ARS 281, which taught me the rudiments of photography, including editing tools, angles, and shooting techniques. This class was both exciting and fun, allowing me to explore my love for photography. 

Greatest achievement:
One of my greatest achievements was attending my first scientific conference and winning the Undergraduate Poster Award at the Biophysical Society's Annual Meeting. It was a truly transformative experience that exposed me to a wealth of exciting scientific possibilities and reaffirmed my passion for research. Receiving the poster award was particularly meaningful to me because it showed me the value of hard work and dedication. I couldn't have achieved this without the guidance and support of my thesis advisor, Prof. Peter Tonge, who encouraged me to attend the conference and present my research.

Awards & Accolades:
I have been fortunate enough to receive various awards and accolades throughout my academic journey. They include the 2023 Provost's Award for Academic Excellence, the Undergraduate Poster Award at the Biophysical Society's 67th Annual Meeting, the INSPIRE Peer Mentor Award, the Upstander Award at Stony Brook University, and the Explorations in STEM URECA Summer Award. Additionally, I have consistently been on the Dean's List since 2021 and was selected as one of the PACE Scholars by the Renaissance School of Medicine in 2021. 

Plans for post-graduation:
After graduation, I am thrilled to continue my educational journey by pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at Stony Brook University. This opportunity is a dream come true and one that I am eagerly anticipating. 

 Career aspirations:
My ultimate career aspiration is to continue doing research and answer fundamental questions in biochemistry and drug discovery. 

Clubs and organizations:
As a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the sciences, I've been involved in various initiatives aimed at promoting underrepresented groups in STEM. I'm an active member of Stony Brook's Muslim Student Association, Bridging Science and Diversity in the Chemistry Department, CSTEP and the Pink Gloves Boxing Club. Additionally, I've served as an undergraduate teaching assistant, course instructor, private tutor, peer mentor for INSPIRE and even shadowed an orthopedic surgeon. In my free time, I indulge in my passions for hiking, photography, poetry, roller-skating and exploring new restaurants and coffee shops with my friends. 

Favorite SBU memory:
When I think back to my time at Stony Brook, my fondest memories revolve around the cherished moments I shared with my closest friends. From the late-night study sessions in the Chemistry lobby to attending events in the Union, we made countless unforgettable memories together. I'll never forget the thrill of the spicy ramen challenge and the glamor of the Stars of Stony Brook Gala.

Advice for potential Seawolves:
To all aspiring Seawolves out there, I implore you to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Get involved in research, join clubs and organizations, and challenge yourself by taking classes outside your comfort zone. Remember, there is always help and guidance available to you if you need it. Even though I am excited to move forward and continue my education at Stony Brook, I can't help but feel a little nostalgic when I think about all the experiences I had here. I am grateful for the opportunities I had to connect with my peers and create lasting memories. As I move forward in my academic journey, I hope to continue building strong relationships and making new memories. Stony Brook will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am eager to see what the future holds.
