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Alice Mo '22
Summa Cum Laude
BA Philosophy 


Where are you originally from?

Brooklyn, NY.


I came to Stony Brook as a Biochemistry major, but changed my major to Philosophy at the beginning of my sophomore year. I think I was most drawn to how philosophy afforded me the space to think deeply about the most fundamental questions about life and the world that I had wondered about since I was in middle school. I also had never felt as engaged in my own learning to the level I did when I started studying philosophy.

Favorite class?

My most transformative class I’ve taken was PHI 247: Existentialism with Prof. Alan Kim. I took this class during the first semester of my sophomore year and it made me sure that studying philosophy was what I wanted to do for the rest of my college years. Another one of my favorite classes was Prof. Clyde Lee Miller’s seminar (PHI 401) on Plato’s Theaetetus, which was an utterly fascinating and challenging class on the question of, what is knowledge.

Interests and accomplishments:

In philosophy, my current main area of interest is in ancient philosophy, particularly Plato and Aristotle. I also have interests in political philosophy and existentialism. I’d like to study more Chinese philosophy and social philosophy in the near future. I like reading about everything, e.g., world and local politics, history of math, sociology, economics, psychology. I love playing (and am decently good at) almost any kind of sport and I love being in nature. I also have strong interests in music and photography. And I love watching and thinking about movies.

Greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is probably choosing to study philosophy and trying hard to become better at it these past three years. Up until my freshman year, I had thought I wanted to study medicine and even had a 4-year excel file on how I was going to do that in college. Choosing to study philosophy from my own desire is one of the things I am most proud of because I chose to go down a path unknown to me and to the people around me, which is always something very scary at first. Yet, that decision was probably the best decision I made in my life.

Awards & Accolades:

    • Phi Beta Kappa
    • SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
    • Aaron Godfrey Scholarship
    • Department of Political Science Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
    • Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship
    • Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
    • Ted Weiss Award
    • Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
    • Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Alternate
  •  Plans for post-graduation:
  • I will be pursuing a Masters of Studies in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Oxford this Fall. This summer I will be taking an intensive Ancient Greek course at the Latin/Greek Institute at the CUNY Graduate Center.
  • Career aspirations:
  • I am considering pursuing a PhD in Philosophy or law school. I’d either like to either work in academia or government, or possibly both.
  • Clubs/organizations:
  • I am the President of the Philosophy Club, which has been the most fulfilling thing I’ve been a part of during my time at Stony Brook. I have also been a member of the CAS Dean’s Student Advisory Council since the Spring of 2020.
  • Advice for potential Seawolves?
  • I would tell potential Seawolves that when you start college, I think it’s helpful to try as many things that you think you might be interested in (different classes, internships, etc.). In order to be the best that you can be, you need to be doing something that truly interests you, and it’s also a matter of finding the courage to try and do what you might enjoy, especially if not many others around you are doing it. Once you find something like that, ask your professors how you can do more in that field. I think it’s also important to let yourself be transformed by new experiences, especially intellectual ones (even though it may be quite disorienting). Very practically, I would take advantage of the resources and scholarship opportunities you have as a student at Stony Brook, and apply for things you’re interested in, even if it seems out of reach; as my professor says, “let them reject you, don’t count yourself out.” Lastly, I think it’s important to take the initiative for what you want. Being honest, genuine, and kind will make you happier and improve all aspects of your life as well.
  • Favorite SBU memory?
  • The things that I will remember most are the conversations I have had with Prof. Kim, the interactions I had in the philosophy club, and the friendships I’ve developed during my time here.
  • Parting thoughts:
  • I’m so thankful for the support I’ve received from the Philosophy Department, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the University as a whole. I’m extremely grateful for the love and care of my parents and the endless support and laughter from my friends. I’d like to express my deepest appreciation to two particular professors who have made my time at Stony Brook incredibly rewarding and transformative, Prof. Clyde Lee Miller for challenging me to think for myself and showing me how relevant philosophy is to our lives and Prof. Alan Kim for his passion and intensity towards philosophy, his dedication as a teacher and mentor, and his constant encouragement and belief in me.