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Mili Shah '21
BS Psychology
Minor in Chemistry


Why Stony Brook?
I chose to go to Stony Brook because I knew of the many opportunities that were available to students. I knew that I would be able to research in labs, volunteer at the hospital, and get involved in any way that I wanted to. Additionally, since I am from Plainview, Long Island, being close to home also played a factor in why I chose to come to Stony Brook. 

On her major and minor and plans for post-graduation:
I’m a Psychology (BS) major with a minor in Chemistry and I am also on the pre-medicine track. Growing up, I always knew that there was a stigma associated with mental health and although that stigma is slowly dissipating, I wanted to make sure I was knowledgeable about it so I could take what I learned into my future career path. I plan on applying to medical school within the next few years in hopes of becoming a physician. However, I will be continuing my education at Stony Brook and this fall I will be pursuing a masters in Biophysics and Physiology. 

Favorite class:
One of my favorite classes was a psychology of addiction course taught by professor Joy Bolger. Not only was the material interesting and eye opening, Professor Bolger was extremely passionate about teaching and she truly cared about her students. 

Greatest achievement:
My greatest achievement was founding the Stony Brook University Art Club. When I noticed Stony Brook did not have an art club, my friends and I were determined to start one up ourselves. Even though Stony Brook prides itself in STEM, we knew that it is important to have a creative outlet for all students to be able to express themselves. 

Clubs and organizations:
I am a member of the social sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and I am grateful to have served as the Vice President of Programming and Rituals for one semester. Additionally, I founded the Stony Brook Art Club and was president during my junior year. I am also an active member of Watsi and the Volunteers Around the Word Club on campus.

Advice for future Seawolves?
Although grades are important, it is also essential to have fun so be sure to get involved in clubs and organizations that interest you! Looking back at my years at Stony, sure I remember my classes, but the best parts have to be club meetings and on campus events with my friends. 

Earning a bachelor’s degree is a privilege and being able to do so during a pandemic allows me to feel even more proud of my accomplishments. I am thankful to be able to partake in the in-person commencement ceremony through the College of Arts and Sciences considering the challenges that this past year has brought us!