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Dada Pisconti

Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology


Dr. Pisconti’s research aims to understand how the microenvironment experienced by muscle stem cells affect their homeostasis and regeneration. She also studies therapeutic outcomes that can be drawn from basic research that could lead in the fight against muscular dystrophy.

Dr. Dada Pisconti joins the College of Arts and Sciences from the University of Liverpool.  Her research aims to understand how the microenvironment experienced by muscle stem cells affect their homeostasis and regeneration. Additionally, she studies therapeutic outcomes that can be drawn from basic research that could lead in the fight against muscular dystrophy.  Her work has led to clinical trials and patents, as well as novel industrial collaboration. She earned her PhD from the University of Bari School of Medicine and undergraduate degrees from the University of Perugia. She held a prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Union.