Connecting Science Communication Research with Action
Below is a curated selection of features from the field of science communication written by collaborators.

Good Presentations:
What makes a "good" research presentation? Communication coach Karen De Mauro breaks it down and offers steps you can take now to improve your live presentations.
7 Ways Communication Can Help Reshape Perceptions of Chronic Pain
About 50 million adults in the United States suffer from chronic pain - pain that lasts longer than three months.A recent study, conducted by Gregory Carbonetti, sought to learn more about perceptions of pain as a first step to raising awareness...

Engagement and Storytelling
Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to communicate, which makes it a critical tool in science communication. This is why many science communicators appeal to researchers to use the storytelling approach when informing audiences about their...

Implications for Trainers and the SciComm Community
This culminating conversation focused on previous conversations about scientists' emotional connection to their work, including their willingness to engage, and attitudes toward branding and public perception. Panelists discussed the implications...

Unpacking the Brand of Science
A single word can trigger an immediate torrent of thoughts and emotions. During this webinar, our panelists will review recent data on what the public thinks – and more importantly, feels – when they hear the word ‘science’, and how their...

Indirect Effects of SciComm Training
As many scientists enthusiastically respond to the call for more engagement with the public, science communication training programs play a key role in providing scientists with the skills and confidence to do so. But does participating in a training...