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James C. Rea

Alda-Certified Facilitator

Contact James

James ReaJames C. Rea has worked in science communication for more than two decades, including nearly a decade with the Alda Center. 

Rea has facilitated the Center’s professional development programs at universities, national labs, private companies and other research organizations around North America. He is also experienced in individual coaching, supporting scientists as they prepare for a presentation or other communication with a specific audience and occasion in mind. His strengths as a program facilitator span in-person and online interactions.

He has previously worked as a journalist, as well as in corporate and multimedia communications. He has worked for several organizations focused on current, pressing issues including green chemistry and green architecture. In addition to a general understanding of these disciplines and his level of comfort with translating complex scientific concepts himself, Rea is dedicated to empowering scientists and researchers to share the wonder of their work and its significance themselves.